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Prior to project initiation, a meeting is required with CBC staff to discuss each project. If mutually agreed that the CBC can support the project, we will deliver a quote outlining the approach, timeline, and cost for the agreed service(s). As this is cutting-edge science, we cannot guarantee success. In all cases the user will be billed for cost and labor for CBC effort per our fee structure. After acceptance of the quote, the user will fill out and return the sample submission form provided with the quote. All samples are assumed to be safe, and no greater than BSL1, unless otherwise agreed upon in advance. The user must diligently and transparently follow all University of Illinois sample acquisition, movement, and safety protocols.

All pricing is updated, effective July 1st, 2024. Listed rates do not include the off-campus overhead (see bottom of page for overhead details).

Illumina NovaSeq X Plus and 6000Ultra high-throughput sequencing of mRNA, genomic DNA, ChIP-DNA, small RNAs, bisulfite-treated DNA, single-cell transcriptomics, etc. For descriptions of library construction requirements and sequencing platform metrics, please visit our Sample Submission Page.

PacBio REVIO: accurate long reads for de novo genome assembly and sequencing of long amplicons or cDNA.

Illumina Library Prep Services



Hourly rate, cell test counts, other (per hour) $134
Quality Check (QC) - one library (Qubit, Fragment Analyzer & qPCR) $104
Quality Check (QC) - 2-8 libraries (Qubit, Fragment Analyzer & qPCR) $245
Sample QC: Qubit & Fragment Analyzer (Minimum charge is for 8 samples) $14
AATI Fragment Analyzer service (up to 96 samples or libraries) $417
AATI Fragment Analyzer service (up to 48 samples or libraries) $279
AATI Fragment Analyzer service (1-12 samples or libraries) $107
AATI FemtoPulse (1-11 samples or libraries) $158
HMW DNA Size Selection (1-2) $235
HMW DNA Extraction (40kb+, 1 sample) $695
HMW DNA Extraction (40kb+, 2+ samples,each) $445
RNA/DNA Extraction (each, 1-23) $71
RNA/DNA Extraction (each, 24-47) $63
RNA/DNA Extraction (each, 48-95) $36
RNA/DNA Extraction (each, 96-191) $30
RNA/DNA Extraction (each, 192+) $23
Covaris Annual User fee $200


BULK ATAC-Seq ActiveMotif library, <24 (test counts charged separately) $196
HiC (OmniC) Titration (per sample) $275
HiC (OmniC) library prep, each $807
Swift COVID library prep, each $164
Shotgun genomic PCR-free prep, each $164
Shotgun genomic DNA library prep, each (1-11) $140
Shotgun genomic DNA library prep, each (12-23) $108
Shotgun genomic DNA library prep, each (24-47) $90
Shotgun genomic DNA library prep, each (48-95) $77
Shotgun genomic DNA library prep, each (96+) $53
SkimSeq Libraries, each (48+) $21
SkimSeq Libraries, each (48+; plus QC) $24


RNA-Seq library, PolyA selected RNA, each $119
RNA-Seq library, PolyA selected RNA (>12 on robot, full QC) $98
RNA-Seq library, PolyA selected RNA (>24 on robot, full QC) $80
RNA-Seq library, PolyA selected RNA (>48 on robot, full QC) $75
RNA-Seq library, PolyA selected RNA (>96 on robot, full QC) $70
RNA-Seq library, rRNA depleted, each $161
RNA-Seq library, rRNA depleted (>12 on robot, full QC) $140
RNA-Seq library, rRNA depleted (>24 on robot, full QC) $114
RNA-Seq library, rRNA depleted (>48 on robot, full QC) $109
RNA-Seq library, rRNA depleted (>96 on robot, full QC) $104
RNA-Seq rRNA depleted, mixed probes/Globin/Epidem. add-on, each $20
Small RNA libraries, each $174
Small RNA libraries (>24 on robot) $138
Small RNA libraries (>48 on robot) $128
Small RNA libraries (>96 on robot) $117
Bacterial Small RNA libraries (>24 on robot) $181
Bacterial Small RNA libraries (>48 on robot) $161
Bacterial Small RNA libraries (>96 on robot) $140


Exome Capture libraries (does not inc. probes) $203
Exome Capture libraries (>48 on robot) $130
Exome Capture Probes variable
Bisulfite, reduced representation DNA libraries, each $172
Bisulfite, reduced representation DNA libraries (>24 on robot) $131
Bisulfite, reduced representation DNA libraries (>48 on robot) $109
EM-Seq (1-23) $180
EM-Seq (24+) $107


TELLSeq library construction, 1 library $1,090
TELLSeq library construction, 2 libraries $721
TELLSeq library construction,3-4 libraries $349
10X Single Cell Library Prep (any; kit provided) $534
10x CellPlex/Feature Barcoding add-on (per sample) $302
10X Single Cell RNA Library (1 library) $2,750
10X Single Cell RNA Library (2-7 samples, each) $2,280
10X Single Cell RNA Library (8 samples submitted at once, each) $2,050
10x Fixed RNA Sample Fixation, Set up fee $448
10x Fixed RNA Sample Fixation, each $99
10x Fixed RNA, 4 channels (4 samples) $9,610
10x Fixed RNA, 1 channel (up to 4 samples) $5,840
10x Fixed RNA, 1 channel (up to 16 lib) $14,210
10x Fixed RNA, 4 channels (up to 64 lib) $54,740
10x Fixed RNA Sample Prep Kit (16 rxn) $400
10X Single Nuclei ATAC Library, each $2,890
10X Single Nuclei ATAC Library (2-7 samples, each) $2,490
10X Single Nuclei ATAC Library (8 samples submitted at once, each) $2,090
10X Single Nuclei ATAC+RNA Combined Library, each $4,490
10X Single Nuclei ATAC+RNA Combined Library (2-7 samples, each) $3,960
10X Single Nuclei ATAC+RNA Combined Library (8 samples at once, each) $3,560
10X Visium Spatial library (cDNA & kit provided) $129

ILLUMINA NovaSeq X Plus (available now!)

10B Flowcell= 1 Billion Read-Pairs Per Lane  
     Nova X 10B paired-reads 300-cycle, per lane $2,190
     Nova X 10B paired-reads 300-cycle, per lane (8 or more lanes) $1,720
10B Flowcell= 1 Billion Single-Reads Per Lane  
     Nova X 10B single-reads 100-cycle, per lane $1,690
     Nova X 10B single-reads 100-cycle, per lane (8 or more lanes) $1,420
25B Flowcell= 3.2 Billion Read-Pairs Per Lane  
     Nova X 25B paired-reads 300-cycle, per lane $3,290


SP flowcell (per lane) (750+ million reads)  
     NovaSeq SP-per lane 2x250nt Paired-Read $3,440


ISeq 2x150nt PE $885
Iseq- Titration of library pools (26nt+index reads) $669
MiSeq Titration of library pools (26nt+index reads) $397
MiSeq - 1x150nt SR v3 $1,370
MiSeq - 2x150nt PE NANO v2 $612
MiSeq - 2x150nt PE v2 $1,560
MiSeq - 2x250nt PE NANO v2 $665
MiSeq - 2x250nt PE MICRO v2 $774
MiSeq - 2x250nt PE v2 $1,710
MiSeq - 2x250nt PE v3 $2,120
MiSeq - 1x300nt SR v2 $1,560
MiSeq - 2x300nt PE v3 $2,170


Generation of full-length 16S amplicons, each $29
Generation of full-length 16S amplicons, >48 $20
Generation of full-length 16S amplicons, 2-step, each $34
Generation of full-length 16S amplicons, 2-step, >48 $25
SMRTBell Library Construction from Amplicons $343
AATI FemtoPulse (1-11 samples or libraries) $158
HMW DNA Size Selection (1-2) $235
SMRTBell Library Construction, HiFi $734
SMRTBell Library Construction, barcoded, 2 $481
SMRTBell Library Construction, barcoded, 3-11 $258
SMRTBell Library Construction, barcoded, 12+ $215
SMRTBell Library Construction, UltraLow $870
SMRTBell Library Construction, UltraLow barcoded, 2-11 $682
SMRTBell Library Construction, UltraLow barcoded, 12+ $499
IsoSeq Library Construction $538
IsoSeq Library Construction, 2-3 $337
IsoSeq Library Construction, 4-11 $237
IsoSeq Library Construction, 12+ $175
16S Kinnex Library Construction $985
16S Kinnex Library Construction, 2+ $794
RNA Kinnex Library Construction $1,040
RNA Kinnex Library Construction, 2-3 $606
RNA Kinnex Library Construction, 4-11 $365
RNA Kinnex Library Construction, 12+ $226
PacBio Multiplexed Microbial Library (2-9) $300
PacBio Multiplexed Microbial Library (10-15) $170
PacBio Multiplexed Microbial Library (16-47) $144
PacBio Multiplexed Microbial Library (48-95) $122
PacBio Multiplexed Microbial Library (96+) $107
Sequencing on SMRT 8M cell, Sequel II, 12h movie $2,380
Sequencing on SMRT 8M cell, Sequel II, 30h movie $2,450
Sequencing on Revio SMRTcell $2,150
PACBio 8M CCS demultiplexing fee $200


Sequencing on Revio SMRTcell, 4+ $2,020


Construction of Oxford-Nanopore 1D libraries, standard $485
Construction of Oxford-Nanopore 1D libraries, barcoded (2+) $385
Construction of Oxford-Nanopore Direct RNA libraries $377
Construction of Oxford-Nanopore Direct RNA libraries (2-6) $304
Oxford-Nanopore GridION flowcell, each $1,180


Sanger - High-Throughput Ready to Load (96-well Plate) - no clean up $83
Sanger - High-Throughput Ready to Load (96-well Plate) -  with clean up $216
Sanger - High-Throughput Sequencing (96-well plate) $460
Sanger - Low-Throughput Sequencing (One Sample) $6.10
Sanger - Low-Throughput Ready to Load (One Sample, includes clean-up) $3.10
Fragment Analysis - High-Throughput (96-well Plate) $105
Fragment Analysis - Low-Throughput (One Sample) $4.00


Please visit the Sanger Sequencing and Fragment Analysis page for details regarding each service option. Please contact Core staff at 217-265-6814 or for any additional questions on Sanger Sequencing or Fragment Analysis.

This is an abridged list of our service prices and subject to change at any time.  For further information please contact Dr. Alvaro Hernandez, Director of DNA Services ( ) at 217-244-3480 or Chris Wright, Assistant Director of DNA Services ( ) at 217-333-4372 to discuss ways the staff can be of assistance in achieving your project goals or to receive a quote for your project, submission forms, grant support or any other information needed.

External users are charged an additional 31.7% overhead fee, which is capped at 20% for those users from State of Illinois subsidized universities and government agencies. For further information on the contract, please contact Dr. Marcello Rubessa (, Associate Director of the Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center.

All scientific work performed by the Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center (CBC)is required to be acknowledged in scholarly publications, posters, and presentations.  Proper recognition allows us to measure the impact of our work and supports our initiatives in obtaining sponsored funding. In addition, any CBC personnel who make a substantial intellectual or experimental contribution are deserving of further recognition as co-author.