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University of Illinois

Sample Submission Guidelines

- When collecting your samples and preparing them for submission, please adhere strictly to the following guidelines. 
- Samples that are not prepared according to these guidelines will not be analyzed. If you desire Option A assays, please ask us for instructions for your specific protocol.

- We accept BSL-1 and BSL-2 samples. We require that you diligently and transparently provide sufficient detail concerning your samples and follow all Federal and State transport requirements, including those related to biological material, in order to ensure you are both providing us with acceptable material and shipping it properly.
- In order produce the best results for our clients while protecting our staff and instrumentation, we can only analyze samples that are free of potentially damaging and dangerous materials.

A. We cannot analyze samples containing or prepared with the following:
   1.  Detergents
   2.  Radioactivity
   3.  Intact agents of human disease

B. General Requirements

  1. Do not ship samples until we have agreed to accept them
  2. Each sample will be contained in a 1.2 - 2 mL tube (Note: Tissue samples must be in a screw-top tube. BSL-2 samples must be in a screw-top tube with an o-ring). If shipping from off-campus, screw-top tubes must be used for plasma, serum, urine, feces. We recommend these 2 mL microcentrifuge tubes or reinforced 2 mL bead mill tubes. Based on our instructions for volume/weight required, document the volume/weight of the material contained in the tube (amount needed varies based on matrix and metabolites to be analyzed) and enter in our sample list provided. Samples stored in any other container such as zip-lock bags, 96 well plates, or large volume tubes will not be analyzed.
  3. Samples must be provided in a cryobox such as CryoFile (catalog# 13-709-106) or similar.
  4. Label sample tubes clearly on the side with either printed labels or legible handwriting with a permanent, non-smudging marker (i.e. Sharpie). Only include information from column A and B from the Sample List that is provided to you when you complete the online Sample Submission Form. Additional sample details (not included on the sample tube) can also be provided in the Sample List file.
  5. In addition to the information listed on the Sample List tab, indicate the location of each of the samples in the cryobox you will be providing. We will check your shipment immediately upon arrival to confirm all samples listed are present. Please also mark the cryobox with your lab name, sample type, and if it is BSL-2. BSL-2 samples transported on campus must follow DRS guidelines for transport (Click here for guidelines)
  6. If you are an on-campus collaborator, please contact us to coordinate delivery in-person. If you are an off-campus collaborator, place the cryobox containing the samples in an insulated foam container and pack the foam container with dry ice (block ice is preferred). To keep the foam container closed, wrap tape around the foam container (lid and box). Place the insulated foam container in a cardboard box for shipment. Only ship on a Monday or Tuesday and use overnight delivery. 
  7. Shipping address for samples:
    Metabolomics Core Facility
    264 Burrill Hall, MC-120
    407 S. Goodwin Ave.
    Urbana, IL 61801

C. Matrix-specific Recommendations
   1. Plasma
       a. Collect whole blood in plasma separation tubes containing EDTA (K2, K3, or Na) as anti-coagulant. Separate plasma fraction according to tube manufacturer or  internal protocol. 
      b. Based on our instructions for volume required, aliquot plasma into 1.2 - 2 mL screw-top storage tubes, document volume, and store them in a cryobox and freeze at -80°C immediately.

   2. Serum 
      a. Collect whole blood in serum separation tubes. Separate serum fraction according to tube manufacturer or internal protocol. 
      b. Based on our instructions for volume required, aliquot serum into 1.2 - 2 mL screw-top storage tubes, document volume, and store them in a cryobox and freeze at -80°C immediately.

   3. Urine
      a. 24-hour whole urine collections kept at 4°C during the duration are highly recommended, especially for steroid measurements.  
      b. If 24-hour collections are not practical or indicated, then first catch is preferred.
      c. Based on our instructions for volume required, aliquot urine into 1.2 - 2 mL screw-top storage tubes and document volume used. Thoroughly mix all time point collections before aliquoting.
      d. If possible, measure osmolality/specific gravity or creatinine levels so this information can be used to normalize metabolite concentrations during data processing.
      e. Store tubes in a cryobox at -80°C. 

   4. Saliva
      a. Collect saliva samples in a non-stimulated fashion. Dietary restrictions are not necessary. Food intake should be documented.
      b. Research subjects should rinse their mouths vigorously three times with at least 30 mL of water before saliva collection, without brushing their teeth or using any mouthwashes. 
      c. Five minutes after the water rinse, collect about 3 ml of saliva in a clean plastic container by expectorate sputum.
      d. Based on our instructions for volume required, aliquot saliva into 1.2 - 2 mL screw-top storage tubes, document volume used, and freeze as soon as possible. Store in a cryobox at −80°C.
      e. If saliva collection tubes contained preservative, please send an unused tube to determine any additive/preservative interaction with the analysis.

   5. Biological Tissues
      a. Based on our instructions for weight required, aliquot tissue into 1.2 - 2 mL screw-top tubes and document specific weight for each sample in sample list. Freeze samples immediately and store in a cryobox at -80°C. When preparing aliquots from frozen sources, work on dry ice and use pre-chilled materials.
      b. Note: For tissues known to have significant heterogeneity, it is preferrable to homogenize a large portion prior to providing a smaller amount of it to us.

   6. Fecal/Large Intestinal Content

      a. Based on our instructions for weight required (typically 50 - 100 mg maximum), weigh out fecal, cecal, or chyme samples and store in 1.2 - 2 mL screw-top storage tubes, document specific weight for each sample (and include the weight information in the sample list), and place in a cryobox at -80°C. When preparing aliquots from frozen sources, work on dry ice and use pre-chilled materials.
      b. Important notes: It is  recommended to normalize metabolite values to moisture content of feces. We recommend that a separate aliquot from the same sample is used by your lab to calculate moisture content. Our lab will not calculate moisture content. It is also recommended that larger samples are homogenized prior to weighing out aliquot included in the tube sent to us so that it is a more representative sample. 

   7. Cell Pellets
      a. Each sample should ideally contain 1 x 10E^7 cells.  
      b. To process whole cells for analysis:
          i. Centrifuge at 2500 rpm 1-3 min to avoid lysing cells.
          ii. Transfer pellet to 1.2 - 2 mL screw-top tube, then wash 20 seconds with PBS buffer.
          iii. Centrifuge again at 2500 rpm 1-3 min, then remove any remaining PBS buffer.
          iii. Flash freeze samples by dipping the bottom of tube into liquid nitrogen until pellet is frozen.
          iv. Place in 1.2 - 2 mL screw-top tubes and immediately store in a cryobox at -80°C.                                 . c.Alternatively, 100-500 uL pre-extracted sample lysates can be sent and document sample lysate volume. In this case, please do not extract samples until we have approved your extraction protocol. We will not accept samples prepared with detergents. If damage is caused by detergents in a sample, the cost of resolving the issue will be added to the invoice.

Notes: We require that all details of the composition of the growth medium to be provided. This information will be evaluated prior to accepting samples.

If you are planning to send media, we will request alternative protocols depending on whether you wish to have us analyze metabolites ranging from polar to semi-non-polar metabolites versus a different protocol in advance of non-polar lipid analysis. 

   8. Plant Material
      a. Based on our instructions for weight required, weigh and aliquot plant material into 1.2 - 2 mL screw-top storage tubes and document specific weight for each sample. When preparing aliquots from frozen sources, work on dry ice and use pre-chilled materials. Freeze samples immediately and store in a cryobox at -80°C. 
      b. Notes: For tissues known to have significant heterogeneity, it is preferrable to homogenize a large portion prior to providing a smaller amount of it to us.