Our facility utilizes 9 mass spectrometers for conducting untargeted and targeted metabolomics analysis. This includes 6 LC-MS instruments such as 3 triple quadrupole MS for targeted metabolomics analysis and 3 high-resolution MS for untargeted metabolomics analysis. We also have 3 quadrupole GC-MS instruments for targeted metabolomics analysis that includes largescale metabolite profiling. We no longer have a multi-label microplate reader. This can now be used 24/7 at the Materials Research Lab on-campus.
Agilent LC-MS - 6560 Ion Mobility Q-TOF Mass Spectrometer
Our lab purchased an Agilent 6560C ion mobility Q-TOF LC/MS system* that enables optimal separation and selectivity by combining chromatography, ion mobility, and mass spectrometry that enable metabolite identification through collection of retention time, collision cross section (CCS), m/z, and MS2 data, respectively. This includes separation of in-class isomers via high-resolution demultiplexing (HRdm). It has the following features:
- In-spectrum Dynamic Range: 5 orders of magnitude
- MS and MS/MS Mass Accuracy: <1 and <2 ppm RMS, respectively
- Ion Mobility Resolution: 200 FWHM
- TOF Mass Resolution: >42,000 FWHM
- TOF mass range: m/z 20 - 20,000
- Connected with Agilent 1290 Infinity II UHPLC
For: Untargeted analysis (primarily Lipidomics)
*Installation is in progress and to be completed in February 24'
Agilent LC-MS - 6546 Q-TOF Mass Spectrometer
The Agilent 6546 Q-TOF LC/MS system offers simultaneous high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, high resolution, isotope fidelity, and accurate mass measurements. It has the following features:
- In-spectrum Dynamic Range: 5 orders of magnitude
- MS and MS/MS Mass Accuracy <0.8 and <2 ppm RMS, respectively
- TOF Mass Resolution: >60,000 FWHM
- TOF mass range: m/z 20 - 10,000
- Connected with Agilent 1290 Infinity II UHPLC
For: Untargeted analysis
Thermo Scientific LC-MS - Q Exactive Mass Spectrometer
This Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap system combines quadruple precursor ion selection with high-resolution,
accurate-mass (HRAM) Orbitrap detection to help identify and confirm more metabolites. It has the following
- Better than 3ppm mass accuracy in full-scan with external calibration
- Resolving power: 140,000 FWHM
- Extended mass range: m/z 50 - 6,000
- Connected with Ultimate 3000 UHPLC along with diode array detector (DAD)
For: Untargeted analysis
Sciex LC-MS - 6500+ Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
A benchtop triple Quadrupole mass spectrometer designed for LC/MS/MS analysis. Available IonDrive™ Turbo V Source includes ESI, and APCI. It has the following features:
- Scan modes include: full scan and selected ion scan for both Q1 and Q3, Product Ion Scan, Precursor Ion Scan, Neutral Loss Scan, Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM)
- Mass range of m/z 5 ~ m/z 2,000
- Up to 6 orders of linear dynamic range
- Increased throughput with polarity switching speeds of 5 msec
- Connected with Agilent 1290 Infinity II UHPLC
For: Targeted analysis
Sciex LC-MS - 5500 QTrap Mass Spectrometer
A benchtop hybrid triple Quadrupole-linear accelerator trap mass spectrometer designed for LC/MS/MS analysis. Available Turbo V™ Source includes ESI, and APCI. It has the following features:
- Scan modes include: full scan and selected ion scan for both Q1 and Q3, Product Ion Scan, Precursor Ion Scan, Neutral Loss Scan, Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM), Enhanced MS Scan, Enhanced Product Ion Scan, Enhanced Resolution Scan, and MS3 scan
- Mass range of m/z 5 ~ m/z 1,250
- Connected with Agilent 1290 Infinity II UHPLC
For: Targeted analysis
Agilent 6495C LC-MS - Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
The Agilent 6495C LC/TQ is designed for stable, reliable and consistent performance. It has the following features:
- Scan modes include: MS1 scan, MS2 scan, product ion scan, neutral loss scan, neutral gain scan, precursor ion scan, SIM, and MRM (static, dynamic, triggered)
- Mass range of m/z 5 ~ m/z 3,000
- Up to 6 orders of linear dynamic range from the LOD
- Polarity switching speeds of ≤25 msec
- Up to 13,500 ion transitions per method
- Connected with Agilent 1290 Infinity II UHPLC
For: Targeted analysis
Agilent GC-MS - 5977A Mass Spectrometer
A benchtop mass spectrometer designed for small metabolite analysis. It has the following features:
- Equipped with EI and CI sources.
- 7890B GC with 5977A Extractor XL MS
- With commercial Wiley and NIST libraries
- Mass range of m/z 2 ~ m/z 800
- Operated with MassHunter Software
For: Targeted analysis and profiling
Agilent GC-MS - 5975C Mass Spectrometer
A benchtop mass spectrometer designed for small metabolite analysis. It has the following features:
- Equipped with EI and CI sources.
- 7890A GC with 5975C MS
- With commercial Wiley and NIST libraries
- Mass range of m/z 2 ~ m/z 800
For: Targeted analysis and profiling
Agilent GC-MS - 5973 Mass Spectrometer
A benchtop mass spectrometer designed for small metabolite analysis. It has the following features:
- Equipped with EI and CI sources
- 6890N GC with 5973 MS
- Mass range of m/z 2 ~ m/z 800
For: Targeted analysis
We no longer manage a SpectraMax M2 Multilabel Microplate Reader. The microplate reader is located in MRL Carver BioMaker Laboratory People interested in using the plate reader need to contact Kristen Flatt at