We offer training on the following:
1. Flow cytometry and cell sorting theoretical class - COMPULSORY
2. BD Symphony A1 analyzer
3. BD FACS Melody cell sorter - Training on the sorter will only be available to those that have received training on the Symphony A1 analyzer. This instrument is used for sorting only.
4. Data analysis software training - Contact
Flow cytometry theoretical training
Sign up for a flow cytometry theoretical class
Theoretical classes will commence every 2 weeks, Fridays at 10am-12pm at ERML building, room 138
Download the presentation for general flow cytometry here
Download the presentation for cell sorting here
*Please note: You are required to take a quiz before and after the theory session to assess you knowledge before and after your class. These sessions will be billed per person according to the prices on our website
This Training consists of:
1. Basics of flow cytometry - Flow cytometry principle, components of an analyzer, compensation, threshold, sample preparation
2. Cell sorting - Cell sorting principle, different types of sorts, sorting preview on the BD FACS Melody, differences in flow cells and sort nozzle sizes
Please complete the follow quiz before AND after your theory training
Which instrument/s will you be trained on?
Training on the Symphony A1 Analyzer
Hands on Training Policy: Due to attention to the details focus needed for hands on training, it is CMtO policy that we will train only one student at a time. However, if you have two or more students doing the same experiment from same the lab, we can use the same/single set of samples on that day for all of them, if we could schedule back-to-back 2h slots for the training. Those trainings are billed individually for each person. Please follow this when requesting hands on training. After training in one of the Symphony A1, your account will be activated in all three Symphonies in the campus
Follow the steps below to set up a training session on our analyzer:
1. Fill out the user registration form registration form
2. Familiarize yourself with the instrument before the training session using the following links
Please note that you will be required to have a refresher training (1hr) if you have not used the system for 6 months or longer after your training session. This refresher training will be billed according to our training prices.
Please note: Once you are trained on any one of our 3 Symphony's, you will be granted access to all three locations. You can request access to each of our rooms with the following instructions:
Everitt Lab: Please use this link to request access to the rooms: Everitt Lab Entrance Doors (CR), and 2117 Autoclave/ Laundry and 2117 A Fortessa. Per DRS, you will require quick autoclave training before you are given access to 2117 - Autoclave Room. Wendy Woods ( is responsible for that facility. Please contact her to setup a time for training.
ERML Lab: You would need to send your I-card number, NetId and UIN number to and we can request access to room 231 ERML for you. For the main door, you would need a physical key, you can email Sheena at You would need to fill out a form and pay a deposit of $20.
RAL Lab: A CMtO employee will provide the door code during your training.
We also provide training on a High-Throughput System (HTS) that is housed in 2117A Everitt building, please contact for more information or training materials
Training on the BD FACS Melody Cell Sorter
This training is suitable for users that will be using the sorter over extensive periods of time. Please contact CMtO if you would like to find out more.
Hands on Training Policy: Due to attention to the details focus needed for hands on training, it is CMtO policy that we will train only one student at a time. Please follow this when requesting hands on training. After training on the Melody sorter, you will be granted access to view our calendar, but will still require to request an appointment.
Please have a look at the configuration of the BD FACS Melody sorter using table below and ensure that you have fluorophore's that are excited by the lasers present in the system. Please let us know if you need help in finding your fluorophore
Please note the BD FACS Melody training will take place over a course of 4 different training sessions. This is to ensure that the user is fully trained before being left alone with the instrument.
Day 1 - A CMtO employee will explain how to use the instrument with a short demonstration
Day 2 - Run your samples with the help of an employee
Day 3 - You will run your own samples with the occasional help of an employee
Day 4 - You will independently run your sort, from instrument start up to instrument shut down, with the supervision of an employee
You can have a look at the detailed training schedule here. Time used during training is billed as an assisted sort ($219 per hour)
Please note: You can only use the instrument independently and gain access to the calendar once an employee clears you safe to use the instrument. If you are not cleared, you will be required to repeat day 4 until you are cleared. These 4 days can be spaced out over two weeks according to a CMtO employee and your schedule.
Please note that you will be required to have a refresher training (2hrs) if you have not used the system for 6 months or longer after your training session. This refresher training will be billed as an assisted sort.
Familiarize yourself with the instrument before the training session
Quick troubleshooting on the BD FACS Melody
Additional Training materials
Introduction to flow cytometry
Experimental design on DIVA software
Acknowledging CMtO services:
Please use this Research Resource Identification number (RRID) and the below link for CMtO to acknowledge our services. The more papers sited, we can provide more and state-of-the-art services.
Example of acknowledgement statement
We thank the Roy J. Carver Biotechnology center, Cytometry and Microscopy to Omics Facility (RRID:SCR_025272- for providing expertise in Cytometry/Sorting, Microscopy and Omics analysis for our project.
Manufacturer: BD Biosciences
Equipment Model: Symphony A1/ FACS Melody
Location: Main Facility at 231 Edward R. Madigan Laboratory, 264 Roger Adams Lab and 2117A Everitt building